Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Not a Liquid Detox

A few people have asked me if I've ever done a detox before. My answer is yes, but it wasn't a liquid detox and I ate food. The response is first hesitation then it's relief.  For those of you that eat clean, this will look really familiar. For those of you that might be interested in trying this, it's totally doable. Two things will make it successful; meal planning with food shopping and easing into it. A week before you strictly do the detox start experimenting with meal ideas and slowly start removing the mentioned foods from your everyday diet. Don't tell yourself that you can't have these foods. Tell yourself that it will be a reward for doing something good for yourself when you're done.

The main rules are:
  • No red meat - beef, pork, lamb, etc.
  • No processed foods
  • No sugar
  • No caffeine except for green tea
  • No cow's milk products
  • No wheat, no gluten
  • No alcohol
What you can have:
  • Seafood, chicken and tofu - as natural and least treated as possible
  • Tons of fresh fruits and vegetables - go organic if you can
  • Honey as a sweetener
  • Start every day with warm lemon water
  • Green and herbal teas, natural fruit and vegetable juices and water of course
  • Dairy such as soy milk, almond milk, soy yogurt, soy cheese, feta cheese, Romano cheese
  • Brown or white rice, gluten free pasta, gluten free bread
  • Oats
  • Oil and vinegar for dressing (add a squeeze of lemon for more flavor)
  • Olive oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil
  • Dried fruit, raw nuts
You should aim to do this for 4 weeks to really reap the benefits. If you make it to two weeks and fall off, just get back and finish up the remaining time. The first few days will be the toughest. You may feel tired, bloated, constipated and may even get headaches. But once you get past the hump you will see improvements like better digestion, increased energy, good complexion and maybe even weight loss. Another reason why you should aim for 4 weeks is to make eating clean more routine and part of your lifestyle. After the 4 weeks is up slowly introduce foods back into your diet one at a time.

If you have questions, need meal ideas and/or if you try it let me know how it goes. Email me at

In good health,

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


How is everyone doing? I've been really busy this past week! I'm feeling romantic. Welcome to a different side of me. Here is a little something about a different type of health; relationships. Health is not just eating well and staying active. There are plenty of different aspects and our relationships are one of them. Our ideals are changing in this fast-paced high-tech world.

I recently read that social media has increased the number of relationships a person maintains but it has lowered the quality of each relationship. Through technology we are able to keep up with more of our family, friends and colleagues. But, how solid are these bonds? I think we forget to nurture some of these relationships that should be stronger than what they are. How often do you post something on Facebook and not tell your closest friends one-on-one thinking "oh, they'll see my post"? How often have you found something out about someone you would consider close to you through one of these posts when everyone else finds out at the same time?
Instagram: abels_mom

One rule my husband and I have is no phones during the meals that we eat together. This is a strict rule whether we are at home or eating out. I've seen it too frequently. Two people out to eat not speaking to each other but on their smart phones. Sometimes it's two friends and sometimes it's a couple. Not too long ago we were at my nephew's first birthday party. I was sitting at a table with my closest cousins. At least four of them were looking at their phones. You have some of your closest family right in front of you. What about nurturing these relationships since you have the chance? I got up from the table and said "since you guys are busy..."

Don't get me wrong. Technology like FaceTime and Skype can be incredible. My sister and stepmother live in the Philippines. It's great that we can see each other and have a live conversation on Skype. They also get to see my son grow. My brother studies out of state and we miss each other. FaceTime is such a nice way of talking and seeing the other person's face. My best friend from high school moved away to Michigan. Every month or so we make a Skype date. I don't have to follow her Facebook feed!

With the cameras on our smart phones having such a good quality we're tempted to capture everything. I mean, it's so easy. I've learned that sometimes you just have to put the phone or camera down and just enjoy the moment and be in it 100%. I follow this rule especially with my son. I love taking pictures of him. But he knows when my attention is divided.

We use our phones for so many things; email, calendar, camera, alarm clock, weather, bank account, to do lists, web, twitter, Facebook, Instagram, google+. I can go on and on. And we're tempted so often to pick up our phone whenever something comes to mind. Here is my challenge for you. When you get home from work don't pick up your phone until the kids are down. Eat your meals without your phones at the table. Call a close friend whose feed you follow on Facebook. Make a date with that person! 

In good health,

My son Abel