Hi! Welcome to my first ever blog post. That being said, I am new to this and I'm still trying to figure out how this works...
I have quite a few friends that come to me for fitness and healthy eating tips. One of these sweet, patient, beautiful, loving (I could go on and on) friends of mine suggested I start a blog. Look for her on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: mommytipsbycole. I didn't take Cole seriously until she said "You could help a lot of people this way." Who doesn't want to help people?
I am not an expert by any means. I didn't go to school for nutrition or physical education. But, I do take being healthy very seriously. I am a wife and a mom, a daughter and a sister. To me that means that I have to take better care of myself because there are others that rely on me. They rely on me to hold their hand, to help them up when they fall, to be their cheerleader, stop them when they might cross the wrong line... You get it. I also need to be a role model and a good example. Think about it; if you were raised eating a certain way would you have had that much trouble trying to get rid of your "Freshman 15"? Would you have ever gained it? My husband is my counterpart in many ways and fitness is one of them. Eating clean, the frequency of working out, the type of excercises we do, and sexual health are all part of our regular conversations. When we go for runs we bring our son with us. When we exercise at home we engage him. Not only is it good for him but it is so cute watching him do high knees with his arms out, run in place and try yoga poses.
Did you notice I keep saying healthy eating and not dieting? This is a lifestyle so I don't diet. I EAT HEALTHY. I'm a real person trying to work my way around our fast-paced super-sized America. It's possible and I want to show you it's possible. Let's make a deal because I'm open and flexible like that. Let me know what you want to learn about, read about, know more about. Let's talk about this stuff and figure out how to incorporate it into our lifestyles. There are so many different types of health besides eating and exercise. So, there's no limit!
You'll learn more about me as I continue on this journey, so that's enough for now. It's nice to meet you. I hope to learn from you while you learn from me. Until next time!
In good health,
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